Wednesday 31 August 2011

Cracks in the Paving

On the patio outside the back of the house (which makes it sound better than it is) there are paving slabs with cracks in between. These provide a constant aggravation in some respects because weeds inevitably grow up between the slabs and they need to be removed at regular intervals. However, over the past five years or so Verbena bonariensis have seeded themselves in the cracks and look most attractive as you can see through them up the garden. I rather like things to grow in this naturalistic kind of way and when plants self seed tend to give them the benefit of the doubt before pulling them up. As a consequence, the paving can at times look rather a mess but I also find it rather exciting to see what will grow there. The "good" plants are the verbena, a hardy geranium, evening primrose, knautia and I am trying to encourage erigerons by having a plant tantalisingly above the slabs and hope that it will self seed. Less "good" things are dandelions, valerian and chickweed. It is always tricky trying to keep a balance and whilst it might look rather scruffy overall I think it is worth it to see what will grow in such sparse conditions.

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