Wednesday 19 October 2011

Flowers in October

There are still quite a lot of plants flowering in the garden, even though we are now in the second half of October. It is feeling much cooler compared to the high temperatures of the first few days of the month. I am not sure when we will get our first frost here, but I know that I got caught out last winter assuming it would be mild after the previous cold one. I have taken some cuttings, but could probably do with a few more. I am awaiting my order from Avon bulbs which should arrive any day now.

Hardy fuchsia

Gaura lindheimeri, salvia hot lips and anisodontea capensis

Rosa-pink flower carpet

Sunflower key lime pie and Verbena bonariensis

The above four photos were all taken a few days ago. It is quite nice to have a record of what is flowering in mid October and it will be interesting to see how different it all looks in a month or so when presumably it will be much cooler.

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