Sunday 26 February 2012

Spring is edging nearer

There is a definite feeling in the garden that spring is on its way. The sun has more warmth and the days are getting longer. Whilst the bad weather is not over and done with, there is a hope and promise of things to come. Today I saw three ladybirds in the garden and there was a huge bumble bee in the greenhouse that we had to let out. Next door had a green woodpecker on their grass pecking at insects.

The rosemary up the top of the garden is still in flower; it started before Christmas. I meant to bring some in the house along with holly and ivy, but somehow never seemed to get around to doing it this year.

At some point I must look at the seeds that I ordered, which duly arrived a few weeks ago. They can be sown over the next month or so. As well as the garden waking up it feels like I need to wake up and get organised for the coming months. Meanwhile, I will enjoy the arrival of more spring bulbs.

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