Sunday 12 February 2012

Still snowy

Well, there was no further snow this week, but what we had stubbornly refused to go. Yesterday was bright and sunny and the frozen snow was glistening in the sunlight. Lots of bird tracks plus the odd cat track were visible.

I am glad I did not cut back too many plants before the cold weather arrived. Being a bit slow to get round to doing these things can have its advantages. I am hopeful the cuttings of the anisodontea and gaura taken in the autumn, will survive covered in fleece in the unheated greenhouse. There are fuchsia cuttings and knautia seedlings as well, along with other cuttings too. Generally, they do seem to survive without added heat.

 A couple of polyanthus are bravely poking their heads through the snow. On the coast most of the snow had gone, apart from one or two shaded areas. The sea was very calm, like paint, in the winter sunshine.

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