Wednesday 4 April 2012

Muscari and myosotis

Muscari armeniacum

Muscari or grape hyacinths are in bloom at the moment. The common variety are often overlooked or described as weedy or else a thug! However, when in a group they provide a vivid blue colour and are a welcome addition to the garden. They can be a little invasive, but are easily tamed and I think are good value. Each year they reliably come up and fill spaces where other plants may not grow. I have tried more decorative species of muscari without a lot of success - the ground here is probably too dry in the summer.

Myosotis or forget-me-nots are another common and unsung hero of the spring garden. They are often described as children's plants, as if no adult would actually choose to have them in their garden. Again, on mass they provide a pleasing spectacle and will self seed and pop up each year. If not wanted in a particular area they can be pulled up easily. They are also great for filling in gaps and their tiny flowers are beautiful in their own right.

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