Thursday 22 September 2011

Pots of flowers

I am not normally organised enough to photograph plants I have put in pots. However, I have taken a few photos this year to remind myself of the good ones.

Laurentia axillaris

This tub of Laurentia axillaris and a marguerite has been one of the successes. The marguerite faded away in mid July but the laurentia have kept on flowering and are still going strong now. I bought them as plug plants from Thompson and Morgan in about April and have some in pots and others planted out in the garden. The flowers are star shaped and have been a mixture of pink, purple and white. Hopefully, I will remember to get more next year as I doubt they will survive the winter.

I also grew a pink marguerite surrounded by blue lobelia which was quite attractive for a month or so and then the marguerite faded and the lobelia was all that was left - not so good.

Fuchsias work well in pots and I had a couple this year; one a variegated variety on its own, Fuchsia Tom West and the other, a different variety, in a pot with red pelargoniums. I have taken some cuttings of the second fuchsia and am trying to get them to root in water, something I have tried with fuchsias in the past that has worked quite well.

Variegated fuchsia-Tom West

Red pelargoniums and fuchsia

Finally for hanging baskets this year I used trailing begonias which were very colourful and again have lasted well. This is what they looked like earlier on in the year in July.

Trailing begonias

They have been rather battered in the wind over recent weeks and I have taken them down and have put them on a table, but they remain in flower.

For the autumn I have some heathers and mini shrubs  to pot up. I also want to get some violas as they usually flower well in the autumn, fade over the winter and then become revitalised in the spring again.
 I cannot quite believe it is now near the end of September and realise there are a whole variety of summer plants that I have not mentioned, but guess there is always next year. Autumn is such a beautiful time of year and although it is sad when summer reaches its final stages, there is a new season to look forward to and plan for.

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