Sunday 29 January 2012

Hellebores and Daphne

Helleborus foetidus

These common hellebores are out in the garden at the moment. The bright green flower heads brighten up the borders in winter. I have tried, in vain, to grow different varieties with pink or white flowers. I assume that the soil here is not rich enough or moist enough. However, the stinking hellebore, the other name for Helleborus foetidus, seems to survive in our garden without any effort on my part and it flowers from January right through the rest of winter and well into spring. It is so called as the dark green leaves smell unpleasant when crushed.


I was given this daphne a few years ago and it is now established in the border. It is quite unassuming and quite often I fail to notice that it has come into flower early in the year. The small delicate pink flowers always smell very sweet, especially when the sun is shining on it.

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