Saturday 21 January 2012

Ordering seeds

Seed catalogues are very much in evidence at this time of year and promise great things for the summer ahead. I definitely want to grow cerinthe again, along with ammi which were successful last year.

Cerinthe major pupurascens

Cerinthe amongst love-in-a-mist and Californian poppies


In the Independent last weekend Anna Pavord was recommending nasturtiums for long lasting colour, providing you pick off the caterpillars before the leaves get eaten in August. I might have a try with nasturtium "Empress of India." She also suggested Papaver bracteatum which are perennial poppies that look similar to the annual Ladybird poppies.
The first summer we were in this house I planted Ladybird poppies and Californian poppies on the bank at the top and they flowered really well. Ever since then, when I have tried to grow them, I have not had much success. So I will give the perennial ones a go.

Ladybird poppies and Californian poppies

I always grow a few evening primroses which are so beautifully scented and do self seed to a large extent. Love-in-a-mist also always spreads about and is another favourite of mine.

Evening primrose


A few godetia also provide a splash of colour and are easy to grow. I will sow a few sweet peas as well, although last year they were not as successful as I had hoped. The scent of them is worth the effort though. Finally, I want to try growing perennial sunflowers. That should be enough for now.

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