Friday 13 January 2012

In the front garden...

I spotted this dark purple iris. It is Iris Reticulata histrioides George and is a welcome early sign of spring. There is a curious collection of plants in flower at the moment, in what is almost the middle of January.  There are still a couple of roses out in the back garden along with marigolds. These are joined by polyanthus and bergenias.
Out the front there is also a cistus in flower that has been in bloom since late spring last year.

It is Cistus obtusifolia Thrive and is about 60cm or 2 feet high. I don't think I have seen one in flower in January before.

The heathers are also coming out and look quite pretty. They get rather hidden by a pennisetum grass that is in front of them which has now died back and so could be trimmed to make them more visible. It has been a very mild winter so far, although this weekend is forecasted to be colder with temperatures of around 5 or 6 degrees.

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